Johan Lambeck provides skillful Aquatic Therapy, including a proper clinical reasoning process that finally ends in an intervention strategy with adequate tactics. Tactics include the specific concepts that are used in the pool. His pool practice focuses on an evidence based patient treatment. This is what he also offers his students in courses worldwide. As a knowledge broker, Johan has an established track record in teaching up-to-date information, being involved intensively in international networks, publications and scientifically chairing the ICEBAT conferences.. Courses include case related contents that provide students with a comprehensive picture of current research, supporting decision making, clinical reasoning, problem-solving and goal-setting in aquatic therapy. The basis of each course is “learning-by reasoning-and-doing”.
Johan Lambeck is Director of Aquatic Rehabilitation Consultants in The Netherlands and Senior Lecturer in – and co-founder of –the Association IATF (International Aquatic Therapy Faculty) in Valens, Switzerland and coordinated its world-famous Advanced Studies in Aquatic Therapy (CAS) in the Kliniken Valens (to be continued in Landeyeux, Switzerland).
Johan is also Honorary Professor at the Zhongshan Vocational College, Nanjing, China and visiting lecturer at the University of Castilla-La Mancha, Toledo, Spain and holds various freelance affiliations at e.g. Associations of Physical Therapy worldwide.
From 1979 – 1997 he was in charge of aquatic therapy at the Sint Maartenskliniek in Nijmegen, Netherlands (specialized in diseases of the neuro-musculoskeletal system of both adults and children). From 2006 till 2016 he was research associate at the Faculty of Kinesiology and Rehabilitation Sciences, Leuven University, Belgium and co-responsible for the Erasmus EU project “Aquaevidence / Aquaoutcome”.
He (co-)authored 6 books, 3 web-based books and over 50 published articles on aquatic therapy, mostly in peer reviewed journals: RG factor 25,28; 765 citations, h-index 14.
He was named the Aquatic Therapy Professional in the United States by ATRI in 1998, in 2020 he received the Award “Excellence in Aquatic Physical Therapy”, issued by the Academy of Aquatic Physical Therapy-APTA, USA. He is a long time editorial board member of the Journal of Aquatic Physical Therapy (USA)..
Per 2005 he is Cochrane member and chaired the Health Benefits group of the Drafting Committee on the WHO “Guidelines for Safe recreational water environments: swimming pools and similar environments” (2012-2014). From 2010 - 2019 he was primary contact person for the Aquatic Physical Therapy Network affiliated to the World Confederation
Physical Therapy (WCPT). In 2016 he was appointed Honorary Advisor China Rehabilitation Research Center, Beijing.
Since 1983 he has taught almost 1000 aquatic therapy seminars in 52 countries around the world. Johan has been/is scientific (co)chair of the ICEBAT conferences and recent webinar series.
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